ClearCenter Selects InWhatLanguage To Translate ClearOS Into 85+ Languages

ClearCenter Selects InWhatLanguage To Translate ClearOS Into 85+ Languages

28 Feb
ClearCenter has selected InWhatLanguage to provide machine translation of the ClearOS Web interface, Applications in the Marketplace, and other User Interface collateral for its flagship Open-Source product, ClearOS into 85+ languages. 
ClearCenter will also be translating its web properties,, and even in addition to ClearCenter's marketing materials, brochures, videos and future products based upon the innovative InWhatLangusage platform called UNIFY
Not only does InWhatLanguage provide translations but they also provide a translation platform for the ClearFoundation Community members to help translate ClearOS.
So, the baton has been passed to the ClearFoundation Community to engage and provide improvements. We all are aware that machine translations are not as good as real human translation. That is why InWhatLanguage has also agreed to continue to make available to the ClearFoundation Community tools and resources for translating beyond the machine translations. We will now have access to their portal and their hooks into the ClearOS build systems make it so that your input can be realized in the interface on a regular and continual basis. Please fill out this form to get started.
We will contact you and make arrangements with  InWhatLanguage for you to access the  UNIFY portal.
Thanks for joining the ClearOS team!