The Perfect Storm Revisited

The Perfect Storm Revisited

12 Sep

Almost 7 years ago, I wrote a guest post for Sramana Mitra titled, “The Perfect Storm Behind Cloud Computing – Hybrid IT” where I argued that conditions and technologies were aligning to allow for a new type of IT service provider.

I recently stumbled upon the post and re-read it wondering if the concepts still applied today, (they do), and two topics in particular stood out.

All Roads Lead to a Hybrid Service Provider (HSP) Model

The Hybrid Service Provider (HSP) is an evolution of the Managed Service Provider (MSP). Hybrid cloud applications and cloud-based services combine with traditional and new managed services — all with some kind of on-premise solution providing for the greatest total security and efficiency.

At ClearCenter, we’re finding that MSPs are searching for ways to consolidate systems and save money — all while trying to lower labor costs and maintain security. The path from MSP to HSP achieves all of these goals.

At the same time, the Cloud Service Provider (CSP), who in the past had made money only from reselling cloud services, is searching for ways to tap into the high-margin recurring revenue from managed services subscriptions. We are seeing many CSPs adapt and grow into HSPs thanks to the automation, consolidation and simplification in the entire IT industry (including the simplicity, security, and affordability of deploying converged ClearOS systems).


A Broad Opportunity to Make Money
The HSP model is proving time and time again, that migrating from a MSP to a HSP leads to 3 benefits:

  1. Lower total costs for the HSP’s customer. 
  2. Consolidation of disparate, expensive hardware and software into one, lower cost and lower maintenance system.
  3. Higher profit margins for the HSP.

HSPs leverage the consolidated and low cost features of ClearOS along with ClearCenter’s cloud services to create an affordable and high-margin offering. ClearOS allows an HSP to manage IT environments with one hardware device, and zero software or user license fees. HSPs are able to realize higher profit margins compared to any traditional service available to MSPs or VARs. ClearCenter’s Hybrid Service Provider program is a beautiful way to build your business with higher margins, less cost and a simpler, more reliable offering.


Want to see what all the excitement is about? Just grab the .iso and try it out for yourself.